Rodayne Esmay is a full-professor at The Department of Digital Media of Utah Valley University.
Rodayne Esmay holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah,
and a Master of Fine Arts from Syracuse University,Syracuse New York.
Rodayne Esmay has been teaching at Utah Valley University forTen years.
He worked in industry for sixteen years,as an animator,designer and an Art director for Phillips Electronics
and for Allen Communication.Duringhis time in industry,Rodayne did work for a number of Fortune 500 clients
including Toyota, Ford,Union Pacific Railroad,Times Mirror, and Prudential Securities.
He has directed multiple awardwinning projects in the past decade as a faculty.
One Of the projects “The Lizard and the Ladder”,a 3D cartoon film was
nominated The Academyof Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
for the 2012 Student Academy Awards (Student OSCAR).
He also led another student team to successfully create and publish UVU’s first video game called DubWar.
The game is currently trending online with fans and CEOs in the industry.
Recent graduateshavegone to work at Pixar,Nickelodeon,Sony Imageworks,
and local gaming companies.Utah Valley University is located in Orem,Utah,
and is home to more than 33,000 students. UVU is one of Utah’s largest
institutions of higher learning and offers programs ranging from career
training to high demand master degrees, with emphasis on undergraduate education.